Top 10 Most Corrupt Politicians In The World 2023 | World’s Ten Most Corrupt Leaders:- Over the generations, we live a life in a country which is ruled by the politicians in the form of President, Prime Minister, King, and more. Different forms of ruling perspective are one is dictatorship and democracy. However, the politicians act as beyond questionnaires during the ruling period which leads to engulf of corruption activities.
There are been various evidence that the corruption of their ruling person has turned out to be a global issue that prevails around the world. Corruption occurs around the world among the leaders but how wide the activities affect the country and people matters. In this article, we list the top 10 most corrupted politicians in the world that are involved in the most corruption.
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Corrupt Politicians In The World | World’s Ten Most Corrupt Leaders
10. Arnoldo Alemán

Arnold Aleman is the former and 81st president of Nicaragua who served during the period 1997-2002. Arnold led to various corruption activities which are equal to $100 million during his tenure. Arnold was involved in various illegal activities such as money laundry, fraud activities, and electoral crimes and also known for purchasing high-value on behalf of his family members through corruption activities. He holds investment accounts in Panama. Post his legal tenure, he has sentenced for 20 years along with 14 people who were involved in fraudulent activities.
9. Joseph Estrada

Joseph Estrada is the former president of the Philippines and the current mayor of Manila since 2013. He has been involved in the Philippines ‘ highest administration for the past 20 years. He gained popularity among the people through acting in films initially for about 30 years.
Joseph led to various corruption activities which are equal to $80 million officially and though he was sentenced imprisonment stills remains free in the nation. See More. 10 Most Popular Socialist Leaders around the World List.
8. Jean-Claude Duvalier

Jean-Claude Duvalier commonly called ‘Baby Doc’ is the former president of Haiti who served for 15 years during the period 1971-1986. He was taken the presidential position through an inherent basis at the age of 19 once his father Francais Papa Doc died in 1971.
Baby Doc led to various corruption activities which are equal to $300 -800 million USD dollars during his tenure. While introducing reforms in aide with the United States and Other American countries, he was involved in various corruption activities. He was very popular among the people and due to unrest in the country due to corruption, he fled to France and returned to Haiti in 2011 and was initially arrested. Later, he was released and died of a heart attack in 2014.
7. Sani Abacha

Sani Abacha is the former president of Nigeria who served during the period 1993-1998. He is the first Nigerian General who led to the country’s military coup. Sani led to various corruption activities which are equal to $2-5 billion during his tenure. During the reform activities, there were numerous bribes obtained through various sources and central banks and various mysteries prevail around him due to various illegal activities. Amidst these activities, he died in a suspect heart attack on June 8, 1998.
6. Pavlo Lazarenko

Pavlo Lazarenko is the former President of Ukraine who served during the shortest period of 1996-1997. In this short tenure, his corruption activities are termed as timorous who was involved in various fraudulent activities which are equal to $114-200 million. He is ranked highest among the corrupt politician due to fraudulent activities in terms of money laundering, leaking conspiracy information and many more and the wealth he looted was large during the short tenure. He was given 97-month imprisonment in November 2009.
5. Alberto Fujimori

Alberto Fujimori, son of a Japanese immigrant is the former and 45th president of Peru who served during the period 1990-2000. Alberto led to various corruption activities which are equal to $600 million during his tenure. His family members further known for corruption activities which further raise the corruption amount close to $4 billion.
Once the corruption scandal broke, he fled to Japan and again announced his intent for the presidential post in 2005. Further, he fled to Chile from Japan and arrested for diverting public funds in 2009, and his imprisonment is further extended to 8 years in 2015.
4. Slobodan Milosevic

Slobodan Milosevic is the former President of Serbia/ Yugoslavia who served between 1989 and 2000. Slobodan led to various corruption activities which are equal to $1 billion during his tenure. He served as the president of Serbia between 1990 to1997 before the first president of the Republic of Yugoslavia. He is known for the Yugoslavian war and humanity crimes.
He abused his power for performing illegal and corruption and according to the Washington Post, he and his family members adds to the network of politician businessmen with an asset equal to $4 billion. He resigned from his post in 2000 and later arrested for abuse of power.
3. Mobutu Sese Seko

Mobutu Sese Seko is the former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo who served a larger period of almost 32 years i.e., from 1965 to 1997. He came to power by the influence of the United States and Belgium. He is regarded as the deadliest and dictatorship leader in the African region. During his tenure, he has earned a wealth of around $4 billion to $5 billion through corruption.
He exploited on the country’s immense and rich mineral values and nullified the other political personnel in the country. Due to hyperinflation and other civil unrest he was thrown out of power by the political rebellion Kabila. Mobutu fled to Togo and die due to cancer.
2. Ferdinand Marcos

Ferdinand Marcos is the former and 10th President of the Philippines who served a period of almost 21 years i.e., from 1965 to 1986. During his tenure, he has earned a wealth of around $5 billion to $10 billion through corruption. Macros dissolved congress and established martial law on fear of communism. During his term, the Philippines becomes of the country with most debt and Macros involved in corruption activities by the takeover of private enterprises and other key industrialization activities. Once thrown out of power, he tried to flee to the United States but he lived in exile until he died in Hawaii.
1. Mohamed Suharto

Mohamed Suharto Seko is the former and 2nd President of Indonesia who served a larger period of almost 31 years i.e., from 1967 to 1998. During his tenure, he has earned a wealth of around $15 billion to $35 billion through corruption. He is considered as the most corrupt politician in the world. Suharto implemented a new order policy which is keen on a centralized military-dominated country with anti-communist ideology. During his earlier tenure, the country has grown to new economic heights with the support of Western countries.
But post the 1990’s; there is widespread corruption through monopolies which in turn affected the country’s economic growth to a larger extent. He was filed for his corruption in 2007 but the case was never heard and he died.
Conclusion: Top 10 Most Corrupt Politicians In The World 2023 | World’s Ten Most Corrupt Leaders
The political leaders who are involved in corruption always were directly the individuals who have asserted for the economic decline in their respective countries. In this article, we have listed only the top 10 most corrupted leaders which means that there still many leaders who are corrupt in every country where the corruption they made is less when compared to the other in the list.
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